Join Our Community Partners Program
Wider Circle is a peer-based community care organization that brings together people in the same neighborhood for fun events, interesting health topics and opportunities to socialize.
Participation in the Wider Circle Community Partners Program directly supports, strengthens and sustains our mission to connect neighbors for better health.
We Are Always on the Lookout for….
Wider Circle hosts all its events at established spots in the neighborhoods we serve. Make a difference in your community and get some guaranteed business for your neighborhood restaurant, community center, recreational space, or event facility.
Our members do more than share vital information and check in on one another. They love to bond and have fun. We partner with activities providers such as bus tours, low impact fitness, community garden operators, skill development service providers, DJs, wellness luminaries and more.
Many of our members have needs that make it difficult to live a healthy, happy life. Organizations that provide job placement, financial support, childcare, and dependent care are all welcome partners.
We invite you to partner with us today!
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