
Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I call if I have additional questions?2021-10-28T12:38:30-05:00

Please contact Wider Circle at (800) 656-0228.

Do I have to pay anything to attend Wider Circle events?2021-10-28T12:44:01-05:00

There’s no cost to members of qualifying health plans for any Wider Circle events. Please contact us at (800) 656-0228 to check eligibility.

Do I have to commit to a long program by attending this event?2021-10-08T16:35:54-05:00

No. You can join us to meet our team, learn more about our program and connect with your neighbors. If you decide it’s not for you, that’s ok. But we’d love for you to try it out.

Is transportation available?2021-10-28T12:39:04-05:00

Transportation may be available to certain events. Please contact Wider Circle at (800) 656-0228.

Can you send me a schedule?2021-10-08T16:35:04-05:00

Members of the program help decide what we do next so while there are many events to choose from, the exact dates vary by group. Once an event is confirmed, your group facilitator will send you an email or text message to let you know about it. 

Will my participation in Wider Circle affect my health plan benefits?2021-10-08T16:34:38-05:00

No, whether you participate or not, your health plan benefits won’t be affected.

Can anyone sign up to join Wider Circle?2021-10-28T12:56:02-05:00

Wider Circle is sponsored by a variety of health plans across the country. Click here to see if there is a Wider Circle group available in your community.

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